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Sign Letter Opposing Legislative Efforts to Preempt State and Local Pesticide Laws

Senator Booker invites his colleagues to sign on to this letter to Senate leadership, opposing any legislative efforts to preempt state and local pesticide laws.


Unsafe exposure to pesticides can have serious health effects, including neurological and developmental harm, cancer, and Parkinson’s Disease. States and localities have a long history of passing laws to protect their residents from these health harms.


States and localities are best able to understand the safety needs of their communities and provide timely, tailored protections. These protective measures include restricting pesticide use near schools and playgrounds to protect children, warning consumers about known health risks and recent sprayings, and protecting agricultural workers. These measures also protect endangered species and pollinators.


Preemption of state and local pesticide laws would prohibit states from requiring manufacturers to disclose known risks about their pesticide products, taking away the consumers right to make an informed decision about using the product. Preemption would also take away that consumer’s right to redress, if the manufacturer did not disclose the known risk.


It is critical to maintain state, county, and local government’s authority to regulate pesticides.


Letter text is attached. Deadline to sign on is February 21st, COB.


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